Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Look out, bitches!  I got me a new digital camera today!  

It's my first (I know, I'm so on top of things, gadget-wise), and I'm super excited to use it.  I'm a little nervous that somehow, someway I'll screw it up and I'll get an only-in-Portuguese menu or it'll end up with X-Ray vision and everyone will look naked or something.  (Actually, if that happens, I'll have to give it to AKA, it'll be perfect for her!) I'll post some pics here later today once the friggin battery charges.

So far today I have been just as productive as usual.  I'm making lentil soup in a crockpot so the whole house stinks like garlic and spices, had lunch out with Mom and her friends, ran to the post office, and somehow managed to dick around online this morning for over an hour.  Seriously, how does that happen?  It's a mystery.  I have about 30 things to do for work, but instead I'm on here blogging about nothing and wondering what I can take a picture of later.  I'd post a pic of my "office" but it's far too horrendous and embarrassing as it is now.  Picture heaps of paperwork and a little carved out space for a laptop and mouse and that's my office.  

In an effort to do something semi-interactive on here, I'd like to know what you guys are currently reading or looking forward to reading.  I'll start first.  (Clears throat)

Books I am currently reading:
1) Out of Africa
2) The Haunted Bookshop
3) The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
4) Armadale
5) The Invention of Hugo Cabret
6) It's All Too Much
7) Anatomy of the Spirit
8) A Canticle for Leibowitz

And here's what is up next for me to start:
1) Mistress of Mellyn
2) The Mysterious Affair At Styles
3) The Hollow
4) Mary Barton
5) some Chekov short stories
6) Homecoming

I promised myself that I would finish one of the 8 before I started a new one, but I'm not even fooling myself.  "Mary Barton" is staring at me on my coffee table right now.  I might have to pick her up or that bitch will stare at me all night long.

More later - hopefully with pictures!


  1. Here's my list of books I'm reading:

    1. The Beatles: The Biography
    2. Funny in Farsi
    3. Sex with Kings (It's a history of the mistresses to European kings. How fun is that?)
    4. All Mo Willems' books (Do books for kids count? This author/illustrator is awesome, and Chloe and I are devouring them. Check him out at http://www.mowillems.com/)
    5. Dreams of my Father (Not sure if that counts either, since I have been reading this for about a year. Does it ever happen to you that you voraciously read about 150 pages, only to get to a "meh" point?)

    What's up next:
    1. Atonement
    2. Infidel
    3. Too many to list

  2. Oh, and one of my favorite short stories is Chekov. I've probably told you, but "Lady with the Dog" (Sometimes translated "Lady with the Pet Dog") is a lovely little romance.

    Okay, now I'm done.

  3. I can't believe how many books you read at once! I don't remember the last book I've read (for pleasure). They are all childrens' stories I use in my lessons!

  4. OK, so apparently I'm a moron and just realized that there were comments out here!
    Joy: 1) I've heard of Mo Willems, but haven't read anything yet, so I'll hit the library later and investigate.
    2) "Lady with the Dog" was the story I read, and I really liked it. Very sweet.
    3) I have "Sex with Kings" and "Sex with Queens", but haven't read either yet. I don't know what it is about royalty and mistresses, but it's totally fascinating to me.
    4) And I almost always get to a "meh" point in books, no matter how much I love them. Hope you finish "Dreams" soon.

    Jess: I know, it's a problem. If I were you, I'm sure I'd be in the same position. I know you'll be away from teaching for awhile, and maybe your kids would be too young for this, but I've been devouring Brian Selznick's books from the library. His newest book, "The Invention of Hugo Cabret", is a couple of years old, looks scary because it's 500+ pages, but it's so great. He also has several other books that he has either illustrated or written and illustrated. I've loved all of them.

    I should update my reading list again, since there have been a few changes. Thanks for the comments, ladies!
