Friday, March 19, 2010

Clearly I can't tell time...

A week ago, I was over at a friends' house (Hi, J!) and she asked me if I was still going to write on my blog. I immediately said that yes, I would be, and then realized that I hadn't written anything here since January. Poop. I thought it was maybe a couple of weeks, but obviously I have time-telling issues. My apologies, to all three of you that read this blog. I'll try to be better in future.

In my absence I have worked a lot of hours (more paid than not paid, thankyouverymuch), had several splendid naps, worked, talked to my cats in what could probably safely be classified as an "unhealthy" amount, worked, seen a few friends, worked, and read quite a few books. Despite the fact that I have reviewed only a handful of what I've read this year, and despite the fact that my house is a Disaster, I'll be writing a few updates today and will auto-post them for the next few days.

Thanks for sticking with me!

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