Saturday, October 18, 2014

Hours 5 - 8

Hours 5 and 6

Pages read: 0
Time reading: 0

Pages read: 0
Time reading: 3 hrs 10 minutes

Hour 5 Mini-Challenge: Book Staging by On the Wings of Books

Thoughts: Well, I've gotten zero reading done in the last couple of hours. I spent about a half an hour on a break, putting on sweats, having breakfast (veggie omelet and a bagel), puttering around the house. My Mom came over and we chatted for an hour and a half or so. She's just left, so I'm getting ready to get tucked into a book for awhile.

Hours 7 and 8

Finally - some book time! After reading for an hour I took a break for lunch (ham and cheese sandwich, chips, and a lemon lime fizzy water) and to catch up on the internets. So far, I'm not tired at all, but I know that will be short-lived. 

Pages read: 96
Time reading: 4 hrs 10 min ( audiobook - 3 hrs 10 min)

1 comment:

  1. A break is ok. And it sounds like you have fortified yourself with some healthy food! I'm supposed to be cheering as well, but feel like I'm wasting so much time because either my laptop or our Internet connection is having serious issues today. Of all days for technology to let me down! Sorry, I'm ranting. Off to start a new book!
